Cotton County Republican Party Endorses Brogdon for State GOP Chairman


Walters, Oklahoma – The Republican Party of Cotton County, with the enthusiastic and unanimous support of the entire executive committee, has voted to endorse Randy Brogdon for Republican State Chairman.

“Randy has proven to be honest, trustworthy, and infused with a passion to see the GOP return to the basic principles of the party. He has sworn to uphold the ideals our party was based on and understands that politics should not take precedence over platform,” stated Karen Price, Cotton County Chairman, “Randy understands and agrees that the job of the State Chairman is to represent the Republican citizens, not manipulate them for political gain. Let's put some integrity back in the state chair!"

“I am humbled and honored to have received the unanimous endorsement of the Cotton County GOP. I look forward to working with Cotton County and every county in Oklahoma in building a strong and united Oklahoma Republican Party.” Randy Brogdon

The Chairman’s race will be decided on April 11th at the Oklahoma Republican Party State Convention. For more information please visit